I had an invite to go for a cuppa at the Community Centre for tea and cake. A fund raiser for Breast Cancer organised by Diane and her mates, I'm afraid I turned up early but it didn't stop the girls. I must say that the Chocolate Cake was something else. They had a lucky dip, a raffle, and a selection of books etc donated in return you gave a donation.
Above are some photos, please note the ones with a photo all to themselves claimed to be camera shy!
Above are some photos, please note the ones with a photo all to themselves claimed to be camera shy!
Dianes report...
Thank you for your support last Saturday. We had a really good turn out and on Saturday raised £406. We had lots of people attend and they were very generous in their support of the raffle, ladies lucky dip and bric-a-brac as well as the cuppa and the cake!
Many people who were unable to attend on Sat have very kindly given money to swell the coffers so the amount raised now stands at £446.54. We will now make the £450 mark as my parents have pledged to make it up to £450. All in all a good afternoon lots said it was nice to just sit and have a chat, especially as we all live such very busy lives.
Our next project
Who knows? Perhaps we will leave it to someone elso next year!! but thats a long way ahead.
Kindest regards,
Diane Griffiths.
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